
May 21 - Jun 20

Sat. Feb. 8, 2025 – Friday, Feb. 14, 2025
Gemini: ♊
Lucky Numbers:
998 3030
Lotto: 2, 10, 19, 22, 30, 31
Don’t allow suppressed feelings or anger to interfere with your health and well-being. Find appropriate ways to express yourself and channel your creative energies. Try meditation for relaxation.

This sign is about thinking quick, communicating and is full of plans. It shows the clear side in a person. It is the most energetic air sign and one of the most clever and chatty signs.
People born on and in between May 20-June 21 belong to this sign. They are bright, smart and rapid. They are adaptable, spry, inquisitive, enthusiastic and kittenish. They are intelligent and curious people. They are cognitive but their brains also wander about.
Gemini can work properly in a team or a group. They can mix in various groups on the basis of the vibes and life. They are called the chameleon of the zodiac cycle.They have a continuous urge for comprehension. They are friendly people, eloquent, restorative, and ready for fun and like to talk to people.
Gemini Seeks for having a nice time with their colleagues and friends. They share knowledge and details of a particular thing with their closed ones without any delay. They are significant, thoughtful and uneasy. They always thrive for different things.
Gemini never get thrust into past experiences and do not think of it.

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